
出版 / 演講
“Cancun and Beyond: Implication of the August 30, 2003 Decision on TRIPS – A Probable Solution to the Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration?” Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law (2006)
"Updates on R.O.C. Intellectual Property Court and Related Intellectual Property Act” – a presentation to IP Practice Group (May 24, 2007)
“An Introduction to U.S. Patent Law & Litigation” – a presentation to Test Research, Inc. (May 31, 2007)
“International Treaties and Organizations relating to Intellectual Properties Rights” – a presentation to Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs R.O.C. (April, 2008)
“How to Manage Litigation Costs through Effective Discovery Strategies” – a presentation to National Chung Cheng University (April 29, 2009)
“How to Manage Litigation Costs through Effective Discovery Strategies” – a presentation to Shih Hsin University (August 8, 2009)
“The Recent Development of the Doctrine of Inequitable Conduct Under the U.S. Patent Law Regime” National Technology Law Conference (2009)
“Introduction to Patent Prosecution in USPTO:美國專利說明書撰寫實務” – a presentation to Chinese National Federation of Industries (June, 2010)
“美國專利侵權訴訟實務與策略運用” – a presentation to Chinese National Federation of Industries (June, 2010)
“Run Away Jury Award? The Recent Development of the U.S. Patent Damages Law Jurisprudence and Effects Thereof” National Technology Law Conference (2010)
“生物科技管理 -智慧財產權之管理” – a presentation to Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology, National Taiwan University (May, 2011)
“美國專利申請實務” - Chinese National Federation of Industries: Training Courses for Patent Engineer (May 24, 2011)
“產品不賣美國, 也有美國專利風險嗎?” - Taipei Bar Association (June 13, 2011)
“美國專利說明書撰寫實務“ -Chinese National Federation of Industries: Training Courses for Patent Engineer, Level 2 (June 23, 2011)
“美國專利訴訟實務” - 2011 因應國際大廠競爭之專利策略佈局暨訴訟‧授權談判實務研討會 (September 7, 2011)
“美國專利說明書撰寫實務” - Chinese National Federation of Industries: Training Courses for Patent Engineer (July 17, 2012)
“Sale for Importation – A dangerous provision that foreign companies must be aware” - National Technology Law Conference (2012)
“美國智財訴訟實務發展 與新近重要法令之影響與因應探討” - 前瞻全球佈局之國際專利贏的策略與實務系列研討會 (June 19, 2013)
“美國專利說明書撰寫實務” - Chinese National Federation of Industries: Training Courses for Patent Engineer (July 10, 2013)
“個人資料保護管理”- 科學工業園區管理局102年度科技法律專業人才培訓計畫 (July 21, 2013)
“生技智財權之實務”-生技產業智財權與上市櫃財務策略系列論壇 (August 10, 2013)
“專利權法及實務案例解析” -無形資產評價進階課程 (September, 2013)
"臺灣生技業面臨的挑戰與智慧財產” - 臺大藥學系60週年臺灣生技產業高峰論壇生技產業之風起雲湧之契機 (November, 2013)
"An empirical analysis of the effect of the 'prior user rights' defense on the biotechnology industry under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act" - 全國科技法律討會 (2013)
"科技專利取得與攻防" -教育部智慧電子跨領域應用生醫電子課程 (December 27. 2013)
"藥品專利連結制度之現況發展” - 藥事論壇講座(第六十一屆)
尚澄法律事務所 顧問
正源國際法律事務所 資深顧問
同濟大學 上海國際知識產權學院 兼任教師
國立交通大學科技法律學院 助理教授
世新大學 助理教授
NPIE 智慧電子國家型科技計畫 顧問
中華民國全國工業總會 智慧財產權委員
Garage+ 業師
美國康乃爾大學 作業研究及工業工程學士、生物學士
美國 Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law 智慧財產權法學碩士
美國 Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law 法學博士
智泉外國法事務律師事務所 資深外國法事務律師
國際通商法律事務所(Baker & McKenzie)外國法事務律師
美國 Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner 律師事務所律師
美國 Syncomm Technology Corp. 副執行長
瑞士信貸第一波士頓 電腦工程師